Edmonton news, events, communities, neighbourhoods, food, music, arts, opinion and citizen information is all going to be in one place; the edmontonian.
It's an Edmonton-focused website, started by my wife and I.
Take a look around, tell us what you think, send us your events, stories, photos and ideas and let's have a conversation about Edmonton. Period.
People who come out in favour of something (or against something) can always have connections to people also involved in the debate. They may even form their opinions after hearing from others.
Looking at this story, however, it just seems to me that a guy involved in building stuff could have something to say about possible development, and jobs that could come of it. The story makes it seem like he was driving very hard on the health aspects, even when asked about possible work for his members.
The story also alludes to the building boss being "involved with" a pro-airport group. It's too bad that is part of the story because you'd like to think people coming forward to lobby councillors are doing so on their own.
And STARS can land at any hospital in Edmonton, which makes a big portion of the "life or death" argument a red herring.
A quick Google shows the hosts, Houida Kassem and Bevin Palmateer, both worked for CTV at the London "A." That station was gutted by the broadcaster earlier this year.
The show appears to be much like you'd expect a morning show to be; local, colourful, community-based and funny in a kind of cheesy way. The great thing is the website is full of local ads and sponsors and just plain Windsor, Windsor, Windsor.
It seems like some people might have a better idea of how to "save local TV."
I hope they can find ways to expand into news and information coverage too.
It might only be news to me but I noticed this morning the long (and steep) stairway from Ezio Farone Park down to River Valley Road is gone. You can see a notice posted on this Sidewalk Closed sign. It says the stair construction will run until mid-July. (Oddly, this City website says it will only take one month, not six weeks.)
So until then, the trick is to stop at the bottom of the hill. Or there's the trail just to the right (west) of the "stairs."
If you're looking for more park and trail closures in the City of Edmonton head to this website.
I'm an old media type trying to find my way in the new media world.
Just so you know; I'm going to talk about news, local news, and more news.
Maybe some politics too.
Oh, and all opinions are mine and represent just me, not my employer or anyone else I am affiliated with.
That not satisfying enough? Drop me a line: jeffsamsonow-at-yahoo.com